Mental Health Blog 16/01/2021
Mental Health Blog: 16/01/21 I haven’t written one of these in a long time, honestly, I have no idea why. As this has probably been one of the most stressful times for my mental health. I have had panic attacks, I have had depression and I have been close to the low I felt when I nearly lost my own battle with mental health. My brain has been static, I haven’t been able to focus. Even watching TV has been a difficult activity and I am someone who can sink a season of a show in a day if left. I guess my main feeling is impotence, constant fear and frustration. It’s all too much! I think I will be unpacking this “whole living through historic times” for a few years to come and just to emphasise what has been going on this needs a list. *Cracks knuckles* - ( Full list - ) Covid (Of course), UK Government response, Trump (OMFG), Climate Crisis One of my best friends being run over (After surgery she is on the mend), Being in 10-month lockdown (shiel